The SEOs Diners Club - Issue #73 - Weekly SEO Tips & News

Here are the weekly SEO insights for the SEOs Diners Club members.

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Preparing for AI: Future-Proof SEO Strategies

Understand how Google's Generative Search Experience will impact your SEO efforts and ensure your current SEO strategy is protected from these changes.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword in the tech industry. SEO is rapidly changing with the advent of AI tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard. While the initial enthusiasm for AI has waned, the potential of these tools is still huge and continues to grow.

The Impact of Google’s Generative Search Experience (SGE)

Understanding the implications of Google's Generative Search Experience (SGE) is essential to future-proof your SEO strategy. Although SGE is still in beta, it can potentially transform how users interact with search engines significantly. This will likely reduce website traffic and make conversations more AI-driven.

Prepare Your Business for the Future of Artificial Intelligence

As we move towards an AI-dominated future, businesses must adapt their strategies to stay current. Here are some ways to future-proof your business in the face of AI-driven SEO changes:

Leverage Direct Traffic: Direct traffic can provide reassurance when organic traffic is declining. You can directly increase traffic by improving the customer experience, creating powerful messages, compelling ads, and quality content.

Understand Your Customers' Search Behaviors: Due to the uncertainty in traditional SEO metrics like search volume, businesses must find new ways to understand their customers' search behavior. This includes directly engaging with customers or analyzing sales and support calls using artificial intelligence tools.

Create Unique, Human-Centered Content: AI can generate content but not imitate human experience and expertise. Focus on creating content highlighting these human elements that AI cannot replicate.

Explore Different Angles: SGE tends to highlight specific aspects of topics. Businesses must be good at covering all angles in their content or efficiently finding which one Google prefers for a target keyword.

Use AI to Your Advantage: AI can be a powerful tool for businesses, not just a challenge. Use artificial intelligence to accelerate content creation, find new angles, and fill in the gaps in your content.

AI Transformation: A Double-Edged Sword

We can define the impact of artificial intelligence on SEO as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it potentially reduces organic website traffic by changing how search engines work. On the other hand, it provides businesses with powerful tools to improve their content creation and better understand their customers.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: More Questions than Answers

As we move into the age of Artificial Intelligence, there are still many unanswered questions. What will the future of Artificial Intelligence look like? How will it affect us? What can we do about it? While we don't have all the answers yet, it's clear that businesses need to stay engaged with AI and be prepared to adapt their strategies as the environment continues to evolve.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation

Artificial intelligence has already demonstrated its potential in content creation. Tools like ChatGPT create drafts in minutes, allowing creators to spend more time improving and personalizing content. AI also helps find new angles and fill gaps in content, making it a valuable tool for businesses.

The Future of SEO in the World of Artificial Intelligence

The future of SEO in an AI-dominated world is uncertain, but one thing is clear: Businesses that adapt and adopt AI will be in a better position to succeed. Whether leveraging direct traffic, understanding customer search behavior, creating unique content, or using AI to improve content creation, businesses need to be proactive in their SEO approach in the AI age.

Embrace the Artificial Intelligence Revolution

The rise of artificial intelligence in SEO is gradual but significant. In this new environment, the best way to future-proof your business is to engage with AI, push the boundaries, and constantly try new strategies.

The journey into the future of AI is just beginning, and businesses need to be prepared for the challenges and opportunities. Businesses can navigate and rise to the top of SEO in an AI-driven world by engaging with AI, pushing boundaries, and constantly experimenting with new strategies.

Google Extends Bard to a Wider Geography and More Languages

New features include pinning and renaming conversations, exporting code to more places, sharing responses, using images for prompts, and listening to and adjusting responses.

Google is expanding Bard to more countries and languages ​​and adding new features. Bard is now available in most parts of the world and most spoken languages. Bard has become available in more than 40 languages, including Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, German, Hindi, and Spanish.

Also, Bard is now available in more locations in Brazil and Europe. Google has added new features to Bard:

  • pinning and renaming conversations,

  • transfer the code to more places,

  • sharing answers and using pictures for prompts.

You can listen to Bard's replies and adjust their replies. These features allow you to set Bard's tone and style to five options: simple, long, short, professional, or casual.

Google Makes Clarifications About Fixing “Discovered, Not Indexed” Issues

John Mueller from Google answered whether removing non-indexed pages would help solve the “Discovered, Not Currently Indexed” issue.

John Mueller of Google touched on the issue of pages discovered by Google but not indexed. In the Google SEO Office Hours session, he suggested that the problem could be due to server capacity or overall website quality.

He emphasized that a website's ability to handle further crawls may limit Google's ability to index pages. Also, the overall quality of a website, including its layout, design, and speed, can affect its indexing. He advised webmasters to optimize their sites, improve low-content pages, and make their main menus user-friendly to improve indexing.

WordPress 6.3 Will Improve LCP Performance

WordPress 6.3 will improve SEO performance with faster Largest Contentful Paint scores.

WordPress 6.3, the version of WordPress scheduled for release in August 2023, will help improve sites' Core Web Vitals SEO scores, especially regarding LCP.

LCP is a metric that measures how long it takes to render the largest image or block of text. WordPress 6.3 follows a long-standing effort to use HTML features to get the best Core Web Vitals performance on certain elements.

Fetch Priority is the HTML attribute of a web page element (resources). WordPress 6.3 will introduce a new update that adds the 'fetchpriority' feature that identifies the most prominent image in the viewport of site visitors.

Fetch Priority, represented as “fetchpriority” in HTML, is an attribute assigned to web page elements such as images, CSS, and JavaScript.

Its function is to guide the browser as to which resources should be downloaded first to make the content quickly visible to a site visitor. Content not immediately visible in the viewport has a lower priority than content at the top of the page. This allows publishers to manage the priority of their resources.

WordPress 6.3 introduces a new feature that applies the fetchpriority attribute to the image most likely in the visitor's viewport.

Google: If Possible, Avoid Changing Your Redirects Within A Week

John Mueller recommends not changing 301 redirects frequently. It emphasizes long-term planning and stability for effective steering implementation.

In a Reddit discussion, Google's John Mueller recommended that 301 redirects should not be changed frequently. He recommended that webmasters plan their redirects long-term and avoid changing them in the short term.

While Google can handle redirect bounces, Mueller stressed that maintaining stability simplifies the process. Before implementing permanent redirects, he recommended that webmasters be 100% sure of their decision to ensure consistency, which is crucial to Google Search.

Analyze Your Brand's SERP and Develop a Robust Digital Strategy

Learn how to analyze your brand's SERP to create an effective digital strategy. Understand the importance of social profiles, videos, reviews, news, and more.

Brand SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) are significant as they reflect Google's assessment of what a brand's audience will find most valuable and relevant. They guide digital strategy by emphasizing what is right and wrong.

How to analyze a brand SERP?

To analyze a brand's SERP, start at the top. The first result should be the brand's website with rich sitelinks. The quality of the titles and descriptions gives an idea of ​​the site's structure and user-oriented pages.

See Social Profiles

The presence of social profiles in a brand's SERP indicates the effectiveness of the brand's social media strategy. If a heavily invested platform is not included in the ranking, the strategy does not attract the attention of the relevant audience enough.

See Videos

If a brand is investing heavily in YouTube, the YouTube channel should line up with a video box and properly branded thumbnails.

See review sites

Start a service review strategy on the most relevant platform for the niche. Consistency in reviews is critical to Google Search.

See News Sites

The presence of news in a brand's SERP depends on the industry. Some markets require focusing on trending topics, while others may take things slower.

See “ People Also Ask”

If a brand's SERP doesn't have a 'People Also Ask' question, Google doesn't know about the brand's target audience. If there are questions, make sure the site answers them.

Is There a Knowledge Panel?

The knowledge panel is a must. It is Google's understanding of the facts about your brand. Without it, Google can't assess your relevance to an audience.

Google Search to Release New Improvements to Site Names

Google is preparing to release a new set of improvements for site names in search results aimed at resolving ongoing issues.

According to Google Search Executive Danny Sullivan, Google is preparing to release the second set of optimizations for site names in search results.

The update, expected to be released in a few weeks, aims to address ongoing issues with site names since its launch.

Google had previously sought feedback from SEOs and released a fix in April, but many issues remain. Future improvements are expected to resolve most of these complaints.

Book Of The Week: “Redesigning AI” - Daron Acemoglu

“What role can new technologies play in the effort to create a more just society?” A look at the question from the pen of Daron Acemoğlu.

Although it is not possible for artificial intelligence to devalue human beings or give birth to a superintelligence, it will revolutionize the pharmaceutical, entertainment, and transportation industries shortly; it will radically change business and markets and ultimately significantly increase the knowledge that governments and corporations have about individuals.

Today, artificial intelligence studies are overly focused on the technological barriers they face, ignoring the threats to democratic forms of governance and neglecting to create new opportunities for workers, i.e., ignoring the destruction it has wreaked on the fabric of society.

It is still unclear in which direction artificial intelligence will evolve. Acemoğlu considers the potential of artificial intelligence to strengthen democratic freedoms and distribute wealth more equitably. But this requires a great effort to advance the technology in this direction. This effort includes allocating new funds, making regulations, setting rules for new technologies and applications, and redefining standards and priorities for developers.

At the intersection of technology and economic justice, this book brings together experts to discuss current challenges and evaluate what steps can be taken to ensure that AI development does not threaten the well-being of the most vulnerable in society.

I hope you enjoyed my weekly SEO insights. Hope to see you the following Sunday in the new episode. I wish you all a great week.


Mert Erkal

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