🔥 The SEOs Diners Club - Issue #106 - Weekly SEO Tips & News

Here are the weekly SEO insights for the SEOs Diners Club members.

Welcome to another insightful week with The SEOs Diners Club newsletter. Leveraging over a decade of SEO expertise, I aim to distill the week's most critical developments into a concise read that won't take more than seven minutes of your time. Let's dive into the insights that matter.

Avoiding Common Errors In Structured Data Implementations

This week, we will focus on essential recommendations you should pay attention to when applying structured data to optimize your SEO and search engine visibility.

Structured data is a coding method that will help search engines better understand the content of your website. In this way, they can more easily crawl and index the content of your pages and the information they provide.

What is Structured Data?

Structured data allows you to organize the information on your website in a way that makes it easier and more accurate for search engines to understand that information. It is mainly used for rich snippets and to achieve greater visibility in search results.

Structured Data Application Stages

Planning Phase:

  • Define Your Goals: Clarify what you want to achieve using structured data. It could be higher click-through rates, improved search rankings, or better visibility of certain types of content.

  • Know Your Target Audience: Understanding what terms your target audience searches for in search engines and what information they need will help you choose the right structured data types.

  • Choose the Right Schema Types: Choosing the schema types that best suit your business type and website content helps search engines understand your content correctly.

For example, you can find the structured data types supported by Google Search on the following page:


  • Add Schema Code Properly: Add codes from Schema.org to the appropriate sections of your website. This usually happens between your HTML code <head>or <body>tags.

  • Test Your Code: Make sure your code is implemented correctly and bugs-free using tools like Google's Rich Results Testing Tool.

  • Fix Errors: Take steps to correct errors encountered during testing.

Avoid Common Mistakes:

  • Use of Incorrect or Incomplete Schema: Ensure you implement your Schema code entirely and correctly.

  • Choosing the Wrong Schema Types: Choosing schema types appropriate to the content of your website and the type of your business maximizes effectiveness.

  • Wrong Placement of Code: Make sure you place your code in the correct part of the HTML.

  • Untested Code: Test your code to ensure it works correctly.

Benefits of Using Structured Data:

  • Higher Search Engine Rankings: When search engines better understand the content of your pages, your rankings can improve.

  • Increased Click-Through Rate: Rich snippets and other search feature increase your visibility and get more clicks.

  • Improved User Experience: Structured data helps users find the information they seek more easily.

Structured data is a powerful tool significantly improving your SEO and search engine visibility. By following the advice in this article, you can avoid mistakes made in structured data applications and maximize the potential of your website. For more information, refer to resources such as Google’s Guide to Structured Data and Schema.org. I also highly recommend you read the English article below.

LinkedIn Shares Insights on Latest Algorithm Updates

How will LinkedIn's latest algorithm updates affect your content strategy? Here are tips to make your profile stand out!

LinkedIn has become an indispensable tool for millions of people around the world for professional networking and discovering job opportunities. Understanding LinkedIn's feed algorithm starts with increasing your visibility on this platform and ensuring your content reaches more users. The latest updates aim to improve user experience and feature more relevant content.

These updates are important for content creators and companies because LinkedIn ranks content based on engagement and relevance. Producing high-quality, interactive, relevant content allows the algorithm to notice you and your content. In addition, the updates are designed to allow users to see more personalized and interest-related content.

  • LinkedIn is changing its algorithm to promote old posts through a new “suggested posts” feature.

  • LinkedIn says reaching niche audiences with high-quality content is more important than broad reach or vanity metrics.

  • Marketers should focus on providing unique value and insights, primarily through long-form, in-depth content.

Here are some suggestions for performing well in the LinkedIn algorithm:

  1. Add Value: Provide valuable information, tips, and best practices about your industry in your posts.

  2. Create Engagement: Engage with your followers by asking questions and responding quickly to comments.

  3. Share Regularly: Regularly sharing quality content will help you attract your followers' attention and be featured by the algorithm.

  4. Use Multimedia: Reinforce your message by using a variety of content types, such as images, videos, and slides.

Recent changes in LinkedIn's algorithm emphasize quality and long-form content. In this way, the visibility and reach of posts that provide informative and sectoral insight will continue for extended periods. Additionally, “Read more” tricks, which were used to increase engagement in the past, are no longer rewarded by LinkedIn as they used to be. These changes aim to make the platform more efficient for professional sharing and networking.

How to Use ChatGPT for SEO and Content Marketing?

I was at the Mobildev Talks as the guest of dear Murat Erdor on Friday, March 1st.

I am sharing the YouTube video for those who missed this conversation, where we discussed "SEO and Content Marketing with ChatGPT," which became very interactive and enjoyable with many audience questions.

Is Your Website Correctly Categorized in Firewall Systems?

Classifying your website in the correct category in firewall systems is as essential as listing it in search engines.

I wanted to share this significant issue highlighted by my dear friend and DNSSense marketing director, Mehmet Emre Baş, on LinkedIn.

According to Emre, in environments where large companies or shared offices use security devices like Fortinet, Cisco, and Palo Alto, if your website is associated with harmful content, it must be allowed to allow access from these settings.

Drawing from his experience, he emphasizes the importance of this for commercial businesses. To avoid security concerns arising from such situations, checking your website's category in popular firewall software is a reasonable precaution.

Here are some services where you can check your domain's category:

According to Survey Results, SEO Experts Have More Negative Feelings Towards Google

A new survey reveals that most SEO professionals feel more negatively about Google than before.

A survey conducted by Bary Schwartz, founder of Seroundtable.com, shows that most SEO experts do not like Google as much as they used to. This can be attributed to various factors, including Google's algorithm updates, search results fluctuations, and lack of transparency.

Developments that have shaken SEOs' trust in Google include the frequency and unpredictability of algorithm updates, sudden changes in search results, and Google's failure to provide sufficient information about algorithm changes. This makes SEOs' jobs harder and causes them to spend more effort maintaining their website's visibility in search results.

Google must rethink its relationship with SEOs and communicate more openly and transparently. Providing more information about algorithm changes and giving SEOs time to adapt is essential.

I think Google should take some steps on this issue. These steps include establishing more open and transparent communication, providing more information about algorithm updates, and giving SEOs time to adapt to these changes.

New Google Ads Report Added to Google Analytics

Google Analytics is starting to provide a new report to analyze your Google Ads performance. This report lets you get more detailed information by analyzing your Google Ads data in GA.

Google Analytics is rolling out a new report to help you analyze your Google Ads performance. This report lets you delve deeper into your Google Ads data within GA, gaining more detailed insights.

This new feature could become an invaluable tool for optimizing the performance of your Google Ads campaigns. I've noticed it's not yet active in our clients' Google Analytics 4 accounts, possibly because it's a recent rollout.

Source: Seroundtable.com

Features of the New Report Include:

  • Performance data at the campaign, ad group, keyword, and ad level.

  • Key metrics are click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate (CR), cost per click (CPC), and conversion value.

  • Detailed insights on user behavior and interactions.

  • Visual graphs and customizable reports.

Why Is This Development Important?

This new report will significantly facilitate your work if you're using Google Ads alongside Google Analytics. It allows for a more detailed analysis of the performance of your Google Ads campaigns on your website or app. You'll be able to see which channels are driving more traffic and conversions to your campaigns. With the data obtained, you can make more informed campaign optimizations.

  • WhitePress: WhitePress is a content marketing platform that enables accessible article publishing across 90,571 websites in 30 languages, offering native copywriting and automated global publication services.

  • Cannibalization Explorer Looker Studio Report is a tool that helps identify keyword cannibalization. It provides insights into how keywords are performing across different pages.

  • SurferSEO is a tool that helps you create and optimize content for SEO. It analyzes the top-ranking pages for your target keywords and gives you suggestions on how to improve your content. Surfer AI also has a feature that can generate ready-to-rank articles in minutes.

  • Copilot Pro: Copilot Pro is available for $20/month for cloud-based GenAI models and $27/month with Microsoft 365. Copilot Pro is integrated with Microsoft 365 applications, providing access to GPT-4 Turbo and advanced AI rendering tools.

  • AlsoAsked is a helpful tool that can boost your visibility on Google’s Search Engine Results Pages in the “People Also Ask” section.

  • ContentShake AI is an intelligent writing tool that combines AI with real-life competitor insights. It guides you from ideation to publishing directly to the blog, generates SEO-friendly articles, and helps you optimize them for organic traffic and engagement.

  • Microsoft Clarity has recently introduced a feature called Copilot, which incorporates Generative AI through Large Language Models (LLMs) into the analytics tool. This integration aims to make data more accessible and understandable for users by leveraging the same technology created by OpenAI, which powers the new Bing or ChatGPT.

  • InLinks is an SEO tool that uses a knowledge graph to optimize content for search engines. It automates internal linking and schema markup, simplifying SEO processes and content strategies.

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